Bug(?): Network Oddities on AXP in PRE5.

Barrett G. Lyon (blyon@netpr.com)
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 12:54:09 -0600

I would like to apologies for the fact that I am not using the most current
of development kernels, and to the fact that I am not aware of what has
been fixed between pre5 and pre7.

The machine is a DEC Alpha 21164sx with tulip.c as the NIC driver on
2.2.0pre5. The machine boots fine and accepts all remote connections, yet
after a period of uptime all the sudden when the machine tries to establish
a TCP connection I get for an example:

telnet localhost
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Resource temporarily unavailable

netstat -an | grep 23
tcp 0 0* LISTEN

The local machine's ip is so:

#> telnet
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Resource temporarily unavailable

on the other hand:

from another machine on the lan:

#> telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

the connection opens correctly

Any connection the Linux machine tries to establish results in the same
response; "Resource temporarily unavailable".

Another problem: The machine is remote administrated and slightly
tightened up:

su -
root - password required:
Cannot connect to authentication server

(I use TIS authsrv and a CRYPTOCard RB-1 Authentication Token for

I can not gain root privileges to do any further testing until I reboot.
With a reboot the machine will operate correctly for a period of time until
it runs into this odd problem again. It also looks as if any previously
connected network connections say up and running with out any problem even
after the bug begins to effect the system. The second the connection is
cycled I get the "Resource temporarily unavailable" message.

Thanks.. -Barrett

Barrett G. Lyon                        PGP: www.netpr.com/pgpkeys
Data & Network Security Consultant     Fax: 310-737-0196
Network Presence, LLC                Email: blyon@netpr.com

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