Re: draft for review - press release

Nat Lanza (
14 Jan 1999 15:03:30 -0500 writes:

> Not at all - this is a much better and non-techie-readable
> announcement.

Agreed. Sounds much more professional and press release-like. You
might even want to make it more marketing-ish, though -- hype the
wondrous things Linux 2.2 will allow users to do.

Also, I'm happy that it doesn't use the words "GNU/Linux". internal
politics aside, all that would do in a mainstream press release is
confuse people, and we _don't_ want that. remember, there are a lot of
people out there who have heard of Linux but have no idea what GNU
is. while that's arguably a bad thing, a press release is not an
appropriate place to try and change that.


nat lanza --------------------- research programmer, parallel data lab, cmu scs --------------------------------
there are no whole truths; all truths are half-truths -- alfred north whitehead

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