Re: ISSUE: 2.2.0-pre6 NFS client problems

Jeff Uphoff (
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 08:10:46 -0800 (PST)

"r" == root <> writes:

r> [1.] 2.2.0-pre6 NFS client problems
r> [2.] There are two problems:
r> (2.1) `lockd' problems:
r> kernel: lockd: failed to monitor <ip_addr>
r> `nmh' generates the lock complaint. The NFS server is
r> running lockd.

This means that lockd was unable to arrange monitoring with statd; it's
usually seen when statd isn't running.

r> (2.2) `statd' problem?
r> kernel: nfs_stat_to_errno: bad nfs status return value: 116
r> The NFS stat problem seems to have occured after
r> installing knfsd-981204. I was trying to deal with the
r> first problem.

This has nothing to do with statd. stat != statd.

r> /usr/sbin/rpc.kstatd[597]: open (/var/lib/nfs/state):
r> Permission denied
r> This file should be accessible by root:
r> % ls -l /var/lib/nfs/state
r> -rw------- 1 root root 4 Jan 12 22:19 /var/lib/nfs/state
r> %

What user are you running statd as?

r> I'm not sure I installed knfsd-981204 correctly.

This is probably the real source of your problem(s).

--Up (coauthor of statd).

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