Bug in 2.2.0-pre6 Linux kernel: No Broadcasting possible

Rainer Krienke (krienke@uni-koblenz.de)
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 10:28:35 +0100


I think I found a bug in kernel 2.2.0-pre6 (and earlyer kernels like
2.1.131 as well). My Linux Maschine is connected to a lan. Using a
2.0.36 kernel everything is just fine. Booting
the 2.2.x kernel I noticed that my machine did not get a ypserveras it
should have done. It looks for a server by broadcasting to the local
net. Setting a particular ypserver it worked.

Next I tried to ping to the broadcast adress. The only answer I receive
is my own machine but none of the hundred other machines on our local
network in the same subnet. Everything else as far as networking is
concerned seems to work. I can ping any particular machine, do NFS with
my NFS server etc.

I also tried different ethernet cards: Intel ethertexpress 100 and Dec
Tulip 100Mbit. No success (with broadcasts).

Rainer Krienke

Rainer Krienke                     krienke@informatik.uni-koblenz.de
Universitaet Koblenz, 		   http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke
Rechenzentrum,                     Voice: +49 261 287 -1312
Rheinau 1, 56075 Koblenz, Germany  Fax:   +49 261 9119-495

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