Re: US relaxes crypto restrictions?

Guest section DW (
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 22:39:11 +0100 (MET)

From: "Alan Olsen" <>

On Jan 12, 4:41pm, wrote:

> I think nobody shall suffer of it.
> Just make a kernel with everithing needed for encryption but only
> xor encryption, and a separate patch that replaces xor by DES
> Everybody will be able to use the one they want.


The US Government considers this kind of crypto hook the same as exporting
crypto. (Kind of the way that some religions equate lusting after a woman the
same as adultry. Allowing crypto into your source is the same as encrypting in
the real world.)

The Apache group has run into the same problem. They tried the above approach
and still had a visit from the TLA who shall not be named.

Hmm. Self-censorship is worse than being censored.

When the loop device was added, people said the same things.
So far, as far as I know, nothing happened.

You see, there is a risk here for these three-letter-acronyms as well.
As long as they can frighten you, they get what they want without
taking formal action. On the other hand, if they take formal action,
maybe you go to court, and maybe they lose. This has happened a few
times already, and each time the position of this TLA becomes weaker.

The conclusion is that if you behave reasonable there is no
great reason to worry.


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