Re: problems with fdisk & lilo under 2.2.0-preX

Guest section DW (
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 21:58:11 +0100 (MET)

From: "Richard Toy" <>

fdisk reports incorrect disk geometry.
lilo report Invalid partition table with 2.2.0-preX kernel.

If I run fdisk and print the partition table with the old kernel (2.0.34)
everything is as expected. However, with the pre6 kernel, fdisk reports all
kinds of errors.

p3 Solaris partition (this contains the solaris slices but they
are not visible outside solaris)

fdisk sees p3 as type 92.

System Commander will change 82 into 92. Solaris uses 82,
same as Linux swap.

About the geometry problems: in the case of SCSI disks it is the
SCSI driver that is responsible for inventing a geometry.
If something changed, this means that the SCSI driver changed,
but if I didnt overlook it, you did not mention what SCSI controller
you use. (In such cases the boot messages about SCSI controller and
disks are the most useful bits of information.)


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