Re: 2.2.0-pre6 VM slow?

Radek Dresler (
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 18:41:29 +0100 (CET)

> Am I alone, or does the virtual memory system of the 2.2-pre kernel
> seems *really* slow? I have an AMD K6 running at 300MHz with 64MB RAM.
> I'm currently using 44MB swap on a 6.4GB UDMA WD hard drive, running off
> the onboard controller of my Epox motherboard with the VIA MVP3
> chipset. Switching to an application under X-Windows takes considerable
> time ( from debian-frozen) under WindowMaker. For example, I'm
> running NetBeans developer and Netscape on two different workspaces
> under WindowMaker (0.20.3; XF86_SVGA server for a #9 Reality 334). I
> had Netscape open on workspace 2 and the I switched to workspace and
> opened NetBeans. I then switched to my second workspace and waited. It
> took almost 3 seconds for the mouse to move at all; 10 seconds for it to
> become function (not jitter when moved); 13 seconds for Netscape to
> completely refresh itself, and then another 2-3 seconds for this mail
> window to accept and display my input. I don't know if this is better
> or worse than the previous kernel, but it doesn't "feel" right. I've
> noticed my system sitting at high load (1.8) for long periods of time,
> with almost no CPU being used by userspace programs. I assume this is
> due to swapping.

I have AMD K62 350, 96 MB RAM and 6.4 HDD WD and I have the same problems.
2.2.0-pre1-3 were fine but pre4-6 is much worse. Kernel swaps 30 MB when
is cached and buffered about 70 MB. Why???


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