Re: linux-kernel's extremely slow turnaround time

Matti Aarnio (
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 03:50:54 +0200 (EET)

Florian Lohoff <> (cute domain this fellow has) wrote:
> What about splitting machines like routing "*.de" to a couple
> of alternative *.de relays (Donations ?)

We already do it, although via only *one* relay.
That one happens to handle also .UK, but that
is minor detail..
> Now someone should evaluate what specs these machines should
> have - To the end of the week ill be able to have a machine up
> and running where this could be done (preferred MTA is postfix)

Here are number of addresses per top-level domains in all of
VGER's lists, and systems handling them: (top 8 only)

8108 com -->
4434 net -->
2583 de -->
2455 edu -->
1216 uk -->
1137 org -->
909 au -->
688 it -->
... used to handle entire europe, and former soviet union
a year ago, but then FTP feed popularity forced us to move some of
email load out of it.. (It got more RAM, and now it could again
handle the increased ftp and email loads..)

Feeding .DE to a German exploder would be fine, but could somebody
please volunteer for .COM or .NET ? It is pure madness to push the
load to Finland, and then final delivery back to USA as very likely
most users at those top-level domains are in USA. My MTA software
can handle it, but the machine must be good!

> Flo
> --
> Florian Lohoff +49-5241-470566
> Good, Fast, Cheap: Pick any two (you can't have all three). (RFC 1925)

/Matti Aarnio <> <>

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