Re: vfork & co bugfix

Eric W. Biederman (
11 Jan 1999 00:59:27 -0600

>>>>> "LT" == Linus Torvalds <> writes:

LT> I missed it too, until I started thinking about all the possible
LT> combinations.

>> Question. Why don't we let CLONE_VFORK be a standard clone flag?

LT> Because then we're back to the old problem: before doing a vfork(),
LT> somebody could do a "clone(CLONE_VFORK)" (which would _not_ wait on the
LT> semaphore like a real vfork() would), and now the wrong child can wake up
LT> the parent and mess up the real vfork().

Sorry. I had the implicit assumption that if CLONE_VFORK was a
standard clone flag, do_fork would include the five lines of semaphore


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