2.2.0p6: NFS funnies

Chris Evans (chris@ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk)
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 22:33:35 +0000 (GMT)


I was stress testing the NFS client against userland NFS server across

I don't think NFS over TCP is supposed to work too well yet, but I tried
it anyway. In case anyone is interested I did

mount -t nfs -o nolock,rsize=16384,wsize=16384,intr,tcp localhost:/usr/src

Then to stress test, "cd /usr/src/linux; make -j zImage"

Things didn't go too well, I got all variety of dangerous sounding
messages. Here is a sample.

Jan 10 22:14:47 localhost kernel: RPC: empty TCP record.
Jan 10 22:14:47 localhost kernel: rpciod: active tasks at shutdown?!
Jan 10 22:14:47 localhost kernel: nfs_revalidate_inode: drivers/pci
^^^^^ lots of getattr() failed, error always seems to be -5

I also got a RPC: wot no daemon? and some other messages but at this stage
I had killed the loggers (along with everything else!)

Once I got the system to stop thrashing and killed everything, all
getattr() calls to the still mounted filesystem failed despite an idle
system and plenty of memory.

I can happily repeat the exercise if anyone wants.

Note that TCP NFS seemed to work pretty well for less loaded conditions
(and with rsize=wsize=8192).


P.S. After all my NFS expermiments about 6Mb memory repeatably goes
"missing" - any ideas?

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