[2.0.36] weirdness during mild ftp load

Tygrys (tygrys@lonet.gdynia.pl)
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 12:09:01 +0100 (EET)


One of my servers had some strange problems during mild ftp load...
About 90 ftp users, all active, mail routing, many shells, http, etc.

Then I got hundreds of ``Unable to load interpreter'' and ``Too many
open files on filesystem'' error messages. Running processes were still
ok, but I couldn't use keyboard in their consoles. I hardly managed to log
in as root and kill all those processes (ftpd was the biggest problem).
The server is:
PII 233, 192MB DIMM SDRAM, TULIP running @ 100Mb/s, ultra2wide scsi
Quantum Viking @ AHA-2940 U2W;
kernel 2.0.36 (compiled with gcc-2.8.1, but can it be the problem here???),
throughly modified RedHat 5.2, wu-ftpd-2.4.2beta18.

  Tygrys [161-Tango Delta Echo-002] - at 27MHz
                                           if I have a bad day, ;-)
  ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._         TyGrYs *** ExPeCt No MeRcY! *** 
   `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-._-.       KSS Network Administrator
   (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. "-..'  http://www.gdynia.sprint.pl/~tygrys/
  _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.'_,'        ICQ:3297597 LU156-NIC 2:484/53@fidonet 
 ((('   (((-(((''  ((((           Linux Forever!!!        Member of JTZ

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