bug report on 2.2.0-pre4

Marc Jauvin (mjauvin@videotron.ca)
Wed, 06 Jan 1999 11:37:18 -0500

Hi guys,

I am experiencing an unusual number of collisions on my 'eth0' network adaptor. This
adaptor is connected to my cable modem fror internet access. whenever I start a FTP
session, the number of collisions during the transfer increases very fast (ifconfig eth0).

The second bug is related to the APM. The 'BLANK console' & 'poweroff on shutdown' no
longer work. It used to work in 2.0.36, it is configured in the kernel, I am using
the 'poweroff' command...

Thanks, keep-up the good work!

-- mj

Too much month at the end of the money.

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