> Hello,
> diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.2.0-pre3/linux/Documentation/oops-tracing.txt
> linux/Documentation/oops-tracing.txt
> --- v2.2.0-pre3/linux/Documentation/oops-tracing.txt Sat May 2 14:19:51 1998+-------------
> +
> +cd /usr/src/linux/scripts
> +g++ -o ksymoops ksymoops.cc
> +./ksymoops ../System.map < the_oops.txt
> +
> This doesn't make sense with the new ksymoops ;-)
> Martin
Grin. :)
I had sent that hunk in before I knew Linus had decided to switch to the
new ksymoops. Rest assured, though, once I knew he'd actually done it, I
sent him and updated diff.
It should be going into the next prepatch.
Chris Noe
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