Re: Etherwork3 driver (ewrk3) broken in 2.2.0.pre-x
Tue, 5 Jan 1999 10:37:47 +0100
---Reply on mail from Jon Niehof about Etherwork3 driver (ewrk3) broken in 2.2.0.pre-x
>> But the ewrk3 driver does not seem to work.
> On 2.2pre2 here the compile of the ewrk3 module failed. I
> switched to gcc and a 486 compile (using 6x86) and
> it worked.
It does compile but doesn't work either way, I tried to compile it with
either gcc and egcs 1.0.3. After compiling I rebooted but the
network card was not reachable.
-- Monchi
---End reply
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