Undocumented feature in 2.2.0p1

Mike Perry (mikepery@mikepery.linuxos.org)
Mon, 4 Jan 1999 03:17:16 -0600 (EST)

I've found an undocumented feature in 2.2.0p1 IPmasqing. In the 2.0 series
of kernels, when you had a masq network and wanted to use Blizzard's
BattleNet servers for Starcraft internet play, you had to use ipautofw to
forward port 6112 tcp/udp to battle.net. Under 2.2.0p1, not only do you
not have to do this anymore, but if you DO specify autofw (using the new
ipmasqadm and autofw module) with those ports, communication with
battle.net is broken.. When you do nothing, game play is fine.

Mike Perry
Maintainer of www.linuxos.org and subpages.

The key word in backwards-compatible is backwards.


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