Re: x11amp and 2.1.132 problem solved

Brian Almeida (
Sun, 27 Dec 1998 16:28:02 -0500

On Sun, Dec 27, 1998 at 02:26:17PM -0500, C S Hendrix wrote:
> Yeah, but it seems troublesome to run, at least on my system.
Hrm. Do you have specific problems, getting it to run or compile? If so
you can email me privately and I can possibly help you out. Also, the
author of emusic and I hang out on IRC a lot (Efnet, channel #e) as
Chutt and bma, respectively.

> This is one of the problems. With that daemon running a lot of my
> other sound applications can't run. They get errors opening the
> sound devices.
Newer versions of esound (>= 0.2.6) have a utility called 'esddsp' that allows
one to run *most* applications with esd. It won't work with quake games
because it mmap's /dev/dsp directly. However it will allow you to run
rvplayer, x11amp, xanim, etc...


Brian Almeida <>
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