Re: /dev/one - why not /dev/repeat?

Steve VanDevender (
Sat, 26 Dec 1998 10:15:26 -0800 (PST)

Dave Cinege writes:
> Riley Williams wrote:
> > What's wrong with the following C code being run as a usermode
> > program?
> Uhm, you need a compiler to make it? Some of us like having vast amounts of
> power available from the shell, for minimal/thin client/embedded applications.
> This means small kernel additions that are vastly generic. (For vast
> flexabilty)

If you want lots of flexibility from the shell, have a flexible
shell and lots of utilities available, rather than folding things
into the kernel. The kernel is not there to do the job of every
possible utiltity; the kernel is there to do jobs that no single
utility can do. If you believe that the operating system should
be able to do the jobs of lots of applications, you know where
Microsoft is.

> But I guess with all the narrowed minded jerk off's in this thread, those
> things aren't commonly used enough and thus not important to Linux. We may as
> well rip out serial console, /dev/nvram, initrd, romfs, and other such things.
> They are useless bloat.

Everything you list as examples of "useless bloat" are things
that only the kernel can do properly in a multiuser system.

The point is that if you want to spew a lot of repeated data into
a disk file, writing a small user-space utility to do it will
actually be _faster_ (because it doesn't have to read() a block
for every write() it does) and quite likely smaller than the
amount of extra kernel code needed to implement a pseudodevice.

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