/dev/ttyS1 locked for good?

SethMeister G. (seth@home.com)
Tue, 22 Dec 1998 23:03:14 -0800 (PST)


I appear to be having a locking-for-good problem on kernel 2.1.131. The
symptom is that after running CKermit (192), it tries to open /dev/ttyS1
(and is not able to set the speed to 115200), then if I exit, and restart
kermit, I get a Device or resource busy error. (strace'ing reveals the
open failing, with EBUSY). I'm wondering why that is occurring because
there is nothing else touching /dev/ttyS1, and I thought that even if
kermit didn't close the descriptor, the OS would auto-close it and
decrement the reference count. Am I missing something?


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