Documentatio nfsroot.txt please update
Mon, 21 Dec 1998 18:37:32 +0100


just a few days before i want to boot with NFS-root enabled
in kernel 2.0.36 with so called package "netboot", simulating
a bootrom for network cards. kernelimage was loaded with tftp
and the kernel starts from image.

last message was like "unable to open initial console" because
there are no devices to connect to. i am wondering because the
/dev was linked with softlink on server side and there was no
chance to start initial boot.

please tell me is this a so called "undocumented feature", that
softlinks want work while init starts or is there a little tricky
setting that must be enabled to see the symlinks on server ?

without working symlinks init and mount are searching for her
lib and the linked libc must be created as regular file too
or they want work without static linked binary.
if mount -av was called the completed tree WITH symlinks is
usable, so /etc/exports seems to be ok.

~/linux/Documentation/nfsroot.txt says nothing about....

normal or buggy user ?


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