Re: core files (was Re: 2.1.131: some quality thoughts)

CaT (
Sat, 19 Dec 1998 18:33:43 +1100 (EST)

Albert D. Cahalan wrote the following:
> > Once upon a time Linux did dump core into "core.NAME" with the
> > appropriate executable NAME, but that was changed because the
> > assumption that a core file is named "core" is about as deeply
> > entrenched in Un*x minds as the assumption that SIGKILL==9.
> >
> > IOW, too many complaints that "it breaks other stuff".
> Yes, nobody knows what core.tar is. Prefixes are just bad.

Doing them that way WOULD bite.

> Considering the millions of real users out there, "program.bug" would
> be a much better name. The discovery of a file named "core" is not
> likely to generate a bug report.
> If anyone cares enough, support this:
> echo "core.%c" > /proc/sys/kernel/corename

This I love. For a second I thought it was already there and went to
check. :)

> For admin compatibility with the new /bin/ps, you should use these codes:
> %C pcpu %CPU
> %G group GROUP
> %P ppid PPID
> %U user USER
> %a args COMMAND
> %c comm COMMAND
> %g rgroup RGROUP
> %n nice NI
> %p pid PID
> %r pgid PGID
> %t etime ELAPSED
> %u ruser RUSER
> %x time TIME
> %y tty TTY
> %z vsz VSZ

I'd like the adition to this list of %d to stand for the cwd the command was
started in. ie this would be the directory the corefile would normally go to.

I could then do something like:

echo "/tmp/cores/%d/%c.core" > /proc/sys/kernel/corename


echo "/tmp/cores/%u/%d/%c.core" > /proc/sys/kernel/corename

(to keep the files behind a nicely permissioned dir)

And keep all corefiles in the one directory if I wanted to. (good for
systems without multiple users and makes both cleaning them up AND
keeping them simple).

I'd code this up myself but a. it would take me a while and b. someone
would have to give me starting information. While I've programmed in
C I've not done so to this extent or have I ever touched the kernel. If
someone with more knowledge/experience wants to do do this then more
power to them. :)

CaT (                       URL:

There was farting in the air that night, It lit so bright, Fernando...

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