What work could I help with on the kernel?

Fri, 18 Dec 1998 12:34:23 -0500


I wrote previously about a project on pc-xinu and Linux. The aim
of this project was to better understand how the Linux kernel works. Actually,
I'm the one who talked my teacher to suppervise a project on a working OS.

I am a BIG fan of Linux, and I always wanted to do some work on anything
related to it, but, my ultimate goal would have been to work on the kernel. We
had a class on OSs, but, we did it with pc-xinu because my teacher thought that
it was the only freely available unix-like OS (dah!). He looked at some books
that I lent him and concluded that there wasn't too much work to do on it becaus
he figured it was already very complete. So, he decided that I should work on
pc-xinu instead, but since it isn't a very good idea to reinvent the wheel,
I could use anything I could find on the internet as long as I can understand
how it works because I will have to explain everything in front of a comite in
a year or so.

But, if you people think that I could do some productive work on the
Linux project, I would be more than interested to join in any project that
would be Linux releted and that would have anough substance to pass as a final
computer science degree project.

So, if anybody has any suggestions what so ever, I would be intersted
to hear them.

Thank you for everything.


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