2.0.37pre3 won't boot

Matt Kemner (kemner@live.networx.net.au)
Fri, 18 Dec 1998 09:03:32 +0800 (WST)

Back in October I had a problem with 2.1.125ac1 - it uncompressed linux,
tried to boot the kernel, and then hung.. Several other people had the
problem too although from what I could understand, they all compiled their
kernel with egcs, and their problem got fixed by using -O2, not -O6
However I've always compiled my kernels with gcc so I thought
maybe the problem I had was just something that only happened on my
machine. (machine is a K6200)
However I just compiled and installed 2.0.37pre3 on one of my PRODUCTION
machines, and am getting the same error - it will uncompress, tell me it's
booting the kernel, and then I get nothing. This machine is an intel P166
Classic on a HX board, 96MB RAM, Stallion host adapter with 4x16 tty

Coincidence? or has something changed in 2.0.37pre[123] that also changed
in 2.1.125ac1?

2.1.125ac2 and onwards seemed fine on my K6, and in fact it is running
2.1.131ac8 quite happily now.

Linux version 2.1.131 (kemner@live) (gcc version #1 Mon Dec 7
09:32:55 WST 1998
8:56am up 10 days, 23:04, 21 users, load average: 0.10, 0.11, 0.09

On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Matt Kemner wrote:

kemner> Loading linuxac1
kemner> Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.
kemner> and that's where it hangs. No keyboard control, nada.

The 2.0.37pre3 said:

Loading linux
Uncompressing Linux...done.
Now booting the kernel

That's all I get.
I've gone back to 2.0.36 now, which seems happy, other than random lockups
I've been getting - no logs, or anything, which I was hoping to fix with

- Matt Kemner
System Administrator "Words are too feeble,
Networx Internet they cannot contain"
++61 8 9345 3377 Live, "Stage"

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