Re: Is it legal for me to do that?

Konrad Rosenbaum (
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 13:15:00 +0100 (NFT)

On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Kurt Garloff wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 17, 1998 at 01:16:34AM -0500, wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am a student in computer sciences, and I've been asked to do my
> > final project on the wonderfull world of OSs, more specifictly, I
> > have to take the pc-xinu "Opperating System" and make it better.
> >
> > Some of the features I have to develop is virtual memory, file
> > system and I have to write a boot loader, and, also, if I have
> > time, it would be nice to make it load some programs into memory
> > and execute them and also to check for permissions for file access.
> Well, you asked whether it is legal to use Linux sources to do that.
> I think it is, as long as you leave Copyright messages etc. intact. This
> implies that you have to tell everybody that you used Linux sources to do
> your job.
that's not enough! Linux is GPL'ed, that means that _all_ software which
uses source-code-pieces from it or is linked against (parts of) it has to
be under GPL too. (If you want to survive: don't discuss this with RMS -
he looks much closer on GPL-paragraphs than any other :-) )

> Go and check with your supervisor, if they allow you to do that.
> I guess no: They want you to do your own thing.

Just try to ask that for permission to write some Linux-extensions.
Another filesystem and another executable-format (eg. an extended ELF
would be nice). An easier to handle LILO or ..............

This way it would (IMHO) have two advantages: you can profit from a
running system which is very stable and proved. Your writings would get
back to community and would (perhaps) get used.

> You can still profit from your Linux knowledge. Go and read the Linux
> sources and try to understand the concepts. I think most authors of the
> source code will help you understand it, when you ask them. And of course,
> nobody prevents you from using some of the concepts. Science is not about
> ignoring intelligent thoughts by others!
> Also Tanenbaum is your friend, of course.


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