bug causes tcp/ip stack corruption

Chad C. Keep (keepc@h2net.net)
Tue, 15 Dec 1998 12:03:00 -0700

There is a very strange bug in 2.1.130, BitchX 75p1 (Yes i know it has
nothing to do with bitchx besides it causes the bug) When ever a dcc
send it made after the connection, after a few seconds of sending. All
tcp/ip data stops. (pppd needs to be restarted) Ping ect, I tested this
on two other machines and they do the exact same thing. It does not do
it in 2.1.131, The only reason this wasn't reported earlier is I thought

it was fixed due to obscure bug in ipv4 on 2.1.130, i talked to the
author of the patch and he says that should not be relevant., and
prodded me to post this.

So in short here is the problem:
on three verified machines all apparently upgraded correctly (two where
mine one was a random person)
BitchX 75p1 (Must be this version, if it helps it was compiled from the
sources instead of a binary)
After a dcc send, all tcp/ip data stops, this includes ping, ect.
acts brain dammaged it is physically connected but no ip io. pppd must
be restarted.

Things its not:
BitchX does not have root privileges, so its corrupting kernel space
from user space.

I do have straces available if anyone, cares to see them, I don't have
any personal experience debugging the kernel. (just my stuff)

P.S If this is something stupid on my side I do apologize in advance.

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