Re: Writing a new filesystem driver.

David Feuer (
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 18:06:42 +0100 (CET)

On Fri, 11 Dec 1998, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> I am in the process of writing a new filesystem driver. I have
> never taken on any task of this magnitude at the kernel level as
> of yet. I've snooped through the kernel sources several times
> however, and feel comfortable so far.
> When I decided to implement the filesystem driver, I originally
> wanted to just do it purely from reading the existing sources and
> documentation, without bothering anyone with questions.
> However... the available documentation, although it has been
> VERY helpful, leaves me with some questions nonetheless. So as
> such, I'm looking for a fs mentor, and/or someone who can tell me
> where TFM is that I should R. ;o)
The book "The Linux Kernel" is a good starting point. It is available
via the Linux Dokumentation Project (see
It describes the whiole kernel, the VFS and the basic structures/functions
to bring a fs to life.


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every time Congress meets.
-- Will Rogers
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