Re: Linux login security approaches

Barrett G. Lyon (
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 05:07:06 -0600

>Anyways, I know that there are some folks who want C2 -- just remember
>that the security model is more than a little different from what most
>people need in most contexts.

Corporations get the warm and fuzzys from C2 security compliance. For an
example: A new web server is needed and a large corporation buys an
HP9000/HP-UX box to do the job, the internal HP support team loads it up
with the 'C2 security patch' and management thinks that the box is secure
because of this.

It is all a learning curve that management needs to come up to.

Ohh well..


Barrett G. Lyon                        PGP:
Data & Network Security Consultant     Fax: 310-737-0196
Network Presence, LLC                Email:

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