Re: Can this CD/Floppy Behaviour be Done? [offtopic?]

Thu, 10 Dec 1998 10:17:14 +0100 (MET)

From: (Steven S. Dick)

>David Balazic wrote:
>>>Dennis Grant <> wrote:
>>>> I was futzing with my system in user-space last night, and I wonder if
>>>> there's a way to do something:
>>>> One of the behaviours I really miss from my Amiga days is the ability to
>>>> auto-detect and auto-mount removeable media filesystems.
>>Neither on the Amiga, the OS must poll the status.
>>Even more , if the drive is empty , it will report empty
>>until you move the heads ( and a floppy is inserted ).
>>I never understand why is this ... ( the head movement requirement )
>If I recall correctly, head _movement_ is not required, although
>a head _seek_ is required.
>If you seek to the track the head is already on, it is enough.

Wrong, there is no seek with the floppy drives !

You either tell them to move the head one track in the outer direction
or in the inner direction , or to not move :-)

Alltough it's true that a head movement is not required :
if you try to move the head out of range , then it won't
move ( either the drive electronics will not try to move the head
or the head will bump into a mechanical stopper and stay on the
old position ) , but the CHANGED line will be updated ( the one that
signal if a disk is inserted or not ).

David Balazic , student
E-mail   :     |     living in  sLOVEnija
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Computer: Amiga 1200 + Quantum LPS-340AT

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