Re: [PATCH] modify console_loglevel from commandline

Martynas Kunigelis (
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 13:04:42 +0100

As a side note, I alaways thougth that somewhat "unified" boot messages
would be really nice. What about something like

void driver_report_device(type, name, hw_resources, /* whatever else is
required */)

that would print nicely formatted boot messages instead of "however the
driver author sees fit" that's there now? Heck, I even thought about
writing some sort of "kernel boot message interpreter" for fun, that
would do just that :) It would be an __initfunc(), of course.

Also, why do the copyright banners really matter that much, Alan?
They're in the source anyway? Is this just about the author's ego, or
are there legal reasons? I suppose another function, called, say

void driver_show_banner(driver_name, author, /* whatever else is needer

would fit in as well then.

What do you think about this idea? It's kind of low priority, I know,
but is it worth considering at all in your opinion?


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