Re: Can this CD/Floppy Behaviour be Done? [offtopic?]

Alex Butcher (
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 00:41:28 +0000 (GMT)

On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Dennis Grant wrote:

> Hello all,
> I was futzing with my system in user-space last night, and I wonder if
> there's a way to do something:
> One of the behaviours I really miss from my Amiga days is the ability to
> auto-detect and auto-mount removeable media filesystems.
> For example, if one inserted a CD into the drive, as the tray sucked in
> and the drive spun up, the Amiga CD driver would (if it was a CD-ROM)
> mount the filesystem for you. If it was a CDDA, it would (optionally)
> If you inserted a floppy into the drive, it would detect the change and
> mount the floppy for you. As each floppy was named with a volume name,
> Both behaviours are very user-intuative, and add major ease-of-use
> points to a workstation-style machine.
> Is it possible, using current tools, to duplicate this behaviour? If
> not, is it worth adding?

Sort of. If you enable autofs support in the kernel and compile up the
autofs daemon you get Solaris-style mount-on-use-dismount-after-idle type
behaviour. This is particularly handy combined with the auto fstype in
/etc/fstab which allows the kernel to autodetect what filesystem is on the
media before it mounts it:

[root@cocoa rc.d]# cat /etc/auto.master
# $Id: auto.master,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:03 hpa Exp $
# Sample auto.master file
# Format of this file:
# mountpoint map options
# For details of the format look at autofs(8).
/mnt /etc/auto.mnt

[root@cocoa rc.d]# cat /etc/auto.mnt
# $Id: auto.misc,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:04 hpa Exp $
# This is an automounter map and it has the following format
# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location
# Details may be found in the autofs(5) manpage

zip -fstype=auto,exec :/dev/sda4
cdrom -fstype=iso9660,exec,ro :/dev/hdc
floppy -fstype=auto,sync :/dev/fd0
dosa -fstype=vfat,sync,gid=103,umask=002 :/dev/fd0
doss -fstype=vfat,gid=103,umask=002 :/dev/sda4
amigazip -fstype=affs,exec :/dev/sda1

If I pop a floppy in /dev/fd0 and type ls /mnt/floppy autofs will mount it
with the appropriate options and fstype. I can't remember right now why I
didn't do the same thing for my Zip drive, but I'm sure I had my reasons
(something to do with VFAT LFNs, I suspect...)

> Thank you,
> DG

Best Regards,

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