A ramble re Menuconfig in 2.1.131ac6

John R. Lenton (lenton@famaf.fis.uncor.edu)
Wed, 09 Dec 1998 19:49:35 -0300

Hello all. Here's another something for you to ignore.

I'm using menuconfig to configure the kernel on an almost
exclusive basis, because config is rather---um---well I
don't use config, and I don't use xconfig because I don't
run X as root, and I haven't taken the trouble to set things
up so I can run xconfig as root when X is being run as me.
Ok? Now, I know some people [FIXME:WHO] rambled around about
the things that weren't quite consistent in the config's,
but it turned into absurdery rather quickly, I think. No
offense intended. Anyhow, these are a bunch of rethoric
questions, wrt linux 2.1.131ac6. It's rather longer than I
intended, and all I've done is gone down the different
things I change or look at as I go down. I.e. this isn't
even close to exhaustive. I sometimes flaunt questions I
know [partial] answers for, because I'm aiming at what
questions popped up the first time[s] I fiddled with this. I
am, you could say without doubt, John Doe power user just
sat down to try and actually *do* the thing after reading
the pertinent HOWTOs and the docs 'n' such.

[Rethoric question => No answer needed. If you do feel the
urge to swat my ignorance, swat mine without showing off
yours. Don't flood the list. If a lot of people feel this
urge I'll try and send one set of answers back, possibly
with patches (?), but I think we all have enough of this
derailing conversation syndrome.]


o First off: some items not marked as (EXPERIMENTAL) but as
(NEW) don't show up unless you select CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL.
E.g.: CONFIG_MTRR. In this example, either i) MTRR is
(EXPERIMENTAL), or ii) MTRR should be there even w/o
CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL. I don't use MTRR so I didn't realize
this way: a much less obvious one (unless you're reading the
code :) is CONFIG_CPU_IS_SLOW, which I do use on my 386 so I
can't freeze it with ping -f (it's really funny: if s'body
is working in wfw311 on the 386, I ping -f them and the
computer will literally f r e e z e. I did it once just as
they were starting netscape, and the startup logo stopped
right in the middle of itself).

o Why is CONFIG_MTRR an option when CONFIG_M386 is anything
but PPro? Does this make sense? If so, the help for
CONFIG_MTRR should explain this. If not, it shouldn't be an
option. (Also: Does the Celeron have MTRR? Is the Celeron
considered a PPro or a Pentium?)

o Are/were there 386 SMP's?

o Does there exist a possible configuration where you'd want
to enable CONFIG_MATH_EMULATION for a Pentium? Yes, as
stated in the help for CONFIG_M386, you could compile
somthing for a 486 as Pentium if you want a smaller kernel,
and some 486's (the 486dlc, but probably other non-Intel
ones) don't have a copro. Anyway, does there exist a
possible configuration where you'd want to enable

o The help for CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDECD says "Most new CDROM
drives use ATAPI, including [...] just about all non-SCSI
double(2X), quad(4X), and six(6X) speed drives." This could
do with a bit of fresh paint, as 30x drives are pretty much
standard (even _I_ have a 24x).

o Should CONFIG_BINFMT_JAVA be an option if you select
CONFIG_BINFMT_MISC? Are there backward-compat. issues? [I
don't care: I don't java, but my brain just loves to find
this kind of niggly junk]

o Why is CONFIG_PARPORT_OTHER an option only if you select

o Why does CONFIG_BLK_DEV_CMD640 default to yes? On the same
lines, why does CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RZ1000 default to yes? Are
they _that_ common? I understand that most new PC's are PCI
based, so that's fine, in the same way most people have a
ATAPI CDROM, but these chipsets? Or maybe you just got
flooded by "Linux sucks! my cmd640 says so!", and decided
that the lesser evil was to have it as a default?

o [Here I'm sure I'm showing off my ignorance. See how nice
and shiny it is. You probably have caught glimpses of it
before.] When I upgraded from my xt to my 386 I had to throw
out (well, shelf. My mom threw it out.) my xt's hard drive
because it wouldn't work with the 386. Was I ripped off? Or
is there some trick to using these (ugly slow chunky
gas-eating monster) drives on [345]86's? I could probably
get hold of a (ugly slow chunky gas-eating monster) 20 meg
"diskette" :) if this were so.

o As soon as I select CONFIG_IP_FIREWALL I get checkboxes
for CONFIG_IP_ALWAYS_DEFRAG (with the nice new "required for
masquerading") and CONFIG_IP_TRANSPARENT_PROXY, and I also
get the chkbox for CONFIG_IP_MASQUERADE. Not only that, if I
then select and deselect _DEFRAG I get what I expected, i.e.
that _MASQUERADE is off when _DEFRAG is off. I suspect this
is just a little goof, yes?

o *Must* you remind my that I'm stuck with IDE while I
should be using SCSI? Oh well... :)

o I have a 386 and a p200 on a small ethernet LAN and I
connect to internet via ppp from my p200. This isn't all
that uncommon (I think), but I have no idea if I should/how
I would use the dummy thing or not. I've red the NET3-HOWTO
and the Ethernet-HOWTO and the NAG, and didn't glean much
from there. Well maybe I'm comprehension-challenged, but a
couple of hours ago I seem to think I didn't think I though

o Is the EtherExpressPro/100 _that_ popular that it's the
default? I don't mean to be nasty or anything, just that
around here most cards are NE2k's, which is lowsy and
matches our GNP.

o I get all these options for IrDA, _without_ checking the
CONFIG_IRDA box. Shouldn't this be like CONFIG_SCSI or
CONFIG_HAMRADIO, where I've got to check _IRDA to get the
on, is there any way to fully avoid having the submenu? It's
empty anyway.

o If I don't select SCSI, IrDA, parallel printers, nor
serial port support, what printer will give me
PRINTER_READBACK through where? What's more, the help for
CONFIG_PRINTER_READBACK seems to imply that it's for
printers on the lp devices, which is somehow reinforced by
it being right under CONFIG_PRINTER. Whichever is the case,
i) shouldn't the help be extended a bit, and/or ii)
shouldn't it be an option only if possible?

o Again, around this neck of the woods PS/2 mouses aren't at
all common. Neither is the TI Travelmate, but maybe they're
being used as doorstops up north?
Why are CONFIG_PSMOUSE and CONFIG_82C710_MOUSE *on* by
default, and why is CONFIG_MOUSE *on* by default?

o Why is ftape in with the char devices? is this ok? And why
am I asked (of all things) for the CPU clock frequency of my
DEC Alpha, when you know I don't even have an Alpha? [Note
that when you start addressing your computer in second
person it's because you're getting rather tired of not fully
understanding the questions you're being asked. See further
up re comprehension-challenge] Oh well good thing I don't
own one.

o [This one at least I've seen discussed] Why are MSDOS_FS,
UMSDOS_FS and VFAT_FS options if FAT_FS hasn't been checked
yet? It makes a sometimes blurry distinction even weaker: If
when I select FAT (which if it's the only one that sounds
like DOS/Windows is pretty obvious), I'm then asked for
MSDOS, UMSDOS, or VFAT, it's quite clear, however having all
four options au pair makes it just confusing. You end up
reading the help's over and over just to make sure you've
got right something that should've been obvious. So: i)
MSDOS, UMSDOS & VFAT shouldn't be there until FAT=yup
(yup=yes or module). And ii) you should complain if FAT=yup
and neither MSDOS, UMSDOS nor VFAT have been yupped.

o [I think this'been discussed too] Why is /proc even an
*option*? is there _anything_ you can do with a Linux box
w/o the /proc fs? And /please/ don't send me to the khg,
it's been dead for ages.

o Shouldn't you complain if one of the fs's that use NLS are
yupped and you don't yup at least one pair of codepages?
Isn't there a suitable default, in the same way there is a
suitable default for various other choices? What do most
people use? (Probably: Codepage 437 or 850, and ISO 8859-1,
but I'm biased). While I'm here: cheers to whoever put in
the (region) info into this section.(Axel Boldt?)

o Maybe you could add the bit about the standard VGA driver
handling MDA's from CONFIG_MDA_CONSOLE to the help re
CONFIG_VGA_CONSOLE, as the 1st won't be there if you don't
select CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL? I hate to remind you that some
people still have computers running only hercules? (you
can't beat it for speed on a 386 :)


That's about it. Long-winded, aren't I? If you've got here
without falling asleep, there's a crate of cabernet
saubignon, or petit syrah (your choice), just to make sure
you _do_ go to sleep :)


Oops my dog ate the crates.

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