Re: The history of the Linux OS

Simon Kenyon (
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 17:17:22 -0000 (GMT)

On 23-Nov-98 Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
>> say we have 1.1.1, 1.1.3, 1.1.4
>> put them in cvs and all of a sudden 1.1.2 appears from some kindly soul
>> can cvs/rcs/sccs (you choose) handle this?
> That's why we have tags. After checking in 2.1.129, you say
> cvs tag linus-2-1-129
> After that you can say
> cvs co linus-2-1-129
> to check out 2.1.129.

i obviously didn't explain myself :-)

i have 1.1.1
i put it in rcs
THEN i get 1.1.47
so i put that in rcs
NOW i get 1.1.x where 1 < x < 47

how do i insert that inbetween 1.1.1 and 1.1.47?

not something you would normally do with sccs/rcs
but then again - writing detective stories was not what rcs was designed for
knowing how rcs stores the deltas i really can't see how it would doo it

can bitmover help?


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