Re: 2.1.128 + AIC-7880 problem

C. R. Oldham (
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 10:46:09 -0700


I just wanted to inform the list that I've solved the problem I had with

scsi timeouts and my AIC-7880-based SCSI card. Jim Thompson
<> saw my post and suggested that I flash the
firmware in my Quantum XP32150W disk, which I did. I went from firmware

L912 to L915 and I've been able to perform backups to my SCSI tape with
no problems now.

Note that it isn't simple to determine which firmware you need for which

Quantum disk. Fortunately it appears that if the firmware doesn't match

then the update fails and the drive still works. I had a couple of near

heart-failures before I figured that one out.

  /-Charles R. (C. R.) Oldham   | NCA Commission on Schools  -\
 /              |  Arizona State University  _-\
/-V:602/965-8700 F:602/965-9423 |             Tempe, AZ USA X_>-\

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