[Off Topic] Memory Requirements

Craig Milo Rogers (rogers@ISI.EDU)
Thu, 19 Nov 1998 10:24:53 -0800

>> When I imagine a system with a large memory space, for example 1 GB,
>> running several hundreds of processes (thousands?) performing writes, all
>If you have 1 GB of memory you can spare a few bytes for a
>larger queue. Although against this, we can argue that such a large
>system *should* already have an intelligent disk controller (RAID?) that
>has sufficiently large buffers to do these optimizations.

1 GB -- a large system? Nah, that's next year's desktop!
Consider the following:

Microsoft Windows 3.1: could be run in 4-8 MB

Microsoft Windows 95 & 98: prefers to run in 64-128 MB

therefore, Microsoft Windows 2000 will require....

Craig Milo Rogers

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