Re: What does it mean?

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk (
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 17:52:15 +0100 (CET)

On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Paul Barton-Davis wrote:

> printk (KERN_DEBUG LOGNAME format, ## args); \

>From info '(gcc)Macro Varargs' from egcs-1.0.3a:

This is a special feature of the GNU C preprocessor: `##' before a
rest argument that is empty discards the preceding sequence of
non-whitespace characters from the macro definition. (If another macro
argument precedes, none of it is discarded.)

It might be better to discard the last preprocessor token instead of
the last preceding sequence of non-whitespace characters; in fact, we
may someday change this feature to do so. We advise you to write the
macro definition so that the preceding sequence of non-whitespace
characters is just a single token, so that the meaning will not change
if we change the definition of this feature.

 __("<   Marcin Kowalczyk *
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QRCZAK                  5? X- R tv-- b+>++ DI D- G+ e>++++ h! r--%>++ y-

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