Re: Username "root" unique?
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 17:38:57 +0100

On Sun, Nov 15, 1998 at 02:05:41PM -0800, Tim Smith wrote:

>> how would a Linux system react if I changed "root" to something else
>> (preferably "bofh" :), but kept the UID/GID the same?
>> I.e. do all the tools and right mechanisms rely on UID/GID or on the
>> /etc/passwd|shadow user NAME?
> There's no reason you can't keep "root" and add an account named "bofh"
> that also has uid 0 and gid 0. Those silly berkeley people often do this

yes, but that's not what I want. I want to _change/replace_ the superuser
name, not add a coadmin account.

Thanks anyway. :)

_ciao, Jens_______________________________
    cat /dev/boiler/water | tea | sieve > /cup
    mount -t hdev /dev/human/mouth01 /mouth ; cat /cup >/mouth/gulp

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