Now, (shhh..) I hear (strictly hearsay, mind you though I do live near
Redmond) that the penguin peppermints are a product of two microsofties or
perhaps ex-microsofties. Either way you look at it, these wonderful
caffeinated peppermints certainly encourage linux hackers to spin up out
of power-save mode and get those extra neural cycles focused on those
obscure buglets and finishing touches necessary for 2.2.
So, if these people making Penguin mints _are_ (shh..) in fact
microsofties they must be deep subversives and should be cultivated as
provenly effective industrial spies. _Please_ do not blow their covers!
If they are ex-microsofties then they have obviously seen the light and
are making a desperately needed product in just in the nick of time! Just
how much Jolt cola _can_ you drink anyway? bleech...
I understand Penguin Peppermints are now considered contraband on the
Microsoft campus, but smugglers are making some reasonably good money
and hoping that the mints will soon be made illegal in the state of
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