Re: 2.1.128 Oops

Alan Cox (
Tue, 17 Nov 1998 20:39:40 +0000 (GMT)

> No we haven't tried the final 36 I should have said 36preX..(apologies
> :)).. I was under the impression from previous posts that SMP work was
> being put mainly into 2.1.X series and so we abandoned 2.0.X series about
> 2 months ago.. in an attempt to solve the lockups. (However, having said
> that I have seen that there is a lot of effort in the 2.0 series to
> improve/stabilize perhaps our reasoning was flawed in moving to
> 2.1?)

2.0.36 has significant stability improvements for x86 SMP

> For our production machines would the recommendations be to return to the
> 2.0.X for SMP? Was the oops I posted of any help in pointing to the
> possible source of the problem?

Well your 2.1.x oops is looking like a 2.1.x specific bug so trying 2.0.36
would at least be more data.

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