Re: [Cause found, no patch yet] knfsd: nfs_revalidate_inode fails.

David Woodhouse (
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 00:36:28 +0000 said:
> I am fairly certain that this is a problem in H.J.'s kmountd. When
> kmountd get a request to mount /home_1/cjd it should export the
> longest path that is a substring of `/home_1/cjd'.

I agree.

> The paths in `/etc/exports', `/var/lib/nfsxtab', and `/proc/fs/nfs'
> should all be the same!

Yes, but they're not.

In utils/mountd/auth.c, around line 124, we find the following snippet of code.
My annotations ought to be obvious...

/* When we change path for authentication,
we need to put the original path back.
Otherwise, rmtab will be wrong. */

// To which I say 'Nah, Bollocks'. DW.
// strncpy(exp->m_export.m_path, path,
// sizeof (exp->m_export.m_path) - 1);

I'm just compiling it as you see it above, to see what happens.

HJ, what was the original reason for doing this? Was it done before we allowed
mounting of subdirectories, and just overlooked later, or is there still a
reason for doing it?

---- ---- ----
David Woodhouse Office: (+44) 1223 810302
Project Leader, Process Information Systems Mobile: (+44) 976 658355
Axiom (Cambridge) Ltd., Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridge, CB5 0NA, UK.
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