Re: linux-kernel-digest V1 #2824 (was: elevator)

Jeffrey B. Siegal (
Tue, 17 Nov 1998 02:48:15 -0800

From: Nathan Hand <>
>No, it biasses equally for both start and end sectors. You can view
>the one-way elevator algorithm like a circle. There's no concept of
>start or end sector if you consider it this way. The return seek is
>not important: end sectors are affected by that time delay also.

The return seek is relatively fast, but not free. An access to the last
block on the disk will always occur without a return seek, while an
access to the first block will always occur with a return seek. This
biases access time in favor of the later blocks on the disk. The only
exception to this would be in the relatively rare case when the access
occurred during the return seek.

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