Re: Linux Splash Screen
Fri, 13 Nov 1998 22:51:53 +0100

>> > [Splash screens with 2.1.x kernels?]
>> >, look for LILO patches, makes LILO display a
>> > 320x200x256 RAW image on bootup until someone presses a key
>> That's a Lilo hack though. I believe the original poster was after a way to
> Hmm...I wonder if it would be possible to use the new framebuffer code to do
> this? If in a graphics mode console you could throw an image in the
> background. (But I *have* to see the boot messages! How else can you
> diagnose a crash during boot!)

so what? I said, "displays a RAW image _until someone presses a key_". So,
if your machine hangs, next time press a key and see what happens.

_ciao, Jens_______________________________http://www.pinguin.conetix.de_
    cat /dev/boiler/water | tea | sieve > /cup
    mount -t hdev /dev/human/mouth01 /mouth ; cat /cup >/mouth/gulp

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