[NEW PATCH] Re: (i386) using int15/E820 to get the sys memory map

Cyrille Chepelov (chepelov_c@crans.ens-cachan.fr)
Fri, 13 Nov 1998 22:52:32 +0100 (CET)

(new version available :

* moved the 16-bit-to-32-bit sysmap buffer up a little to make room for
764 bytes' worth of command line, as suggested by Colin Plumb.
* suppressed the __initfunc sysmemmap_show(), which was made obsolete by
the /proc interface, as you pointed out.

Should apply clean at least on 2.1.12[78])

On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Jeanette Pauline Middelink wrote:

> A few questions are left:
> - Why did you call it QSAM? why not ACPI?

"Query System Address Map" -- Intel's official name for int15/E820 (as
given by the ACPI 1.0a spec, and some bits on developer.intel.com)

> - Did you hear from another developers about ACPI? I'm currently
Besides you and Philip Gladstone, I know of no-one active on that topic.
But there might be already enough people to warrant a special forum (could
be nice if there was something mildly ready for 2.3.2 lobbying <grin>)

> investigating to make the ACPI tables visible under /proc/acpi,
> and it seems your sysmemmap could nicely integrate in that.

That's for the exact same reason I wrote the qsam patch :-)
This is my working sketch, if you want to have a look at it :
http://www.crans.ens-cachan.fr/~chepelov/linux/acpi-cc-19981113.tar.gz (a
standalone module, really rough. In particular, it won't populate the
/proc/acpi/tree until I advance a little the AML interpreter. The AML
namespace management routines are a real mess : I'm really new to dentry
wizardry... Thanks LXR ! I just wish there was an easy way to map from a
struct proc_dir_entry to either a regular inode or a dentry (but my
knoweldge of these things is really too parcellar. I plan to throw a lot
of this code, anyway :-)

One thing it does, however, is to report a few things in /proc/acpi :
rsd_ptr, rsdt, facs, facp, dsdt [I just found that I forgot to set
/proc/acpi/. r-xr-xr-x instead of 666. bwah.])

> - Indeed the AML to <whatever> is a great ball, did those designers
> really think BIOSes have AML interpreters like that?? :)

Well, the BIOS doesn't have an interpreter, the OS is supposed to. And
you've seen who signed that spec :-)

> - That _initfunc is not really needed, isn't it? beter remove it
> than, since /proc/sysmemmap will be sufficient...

Yes, indeed I didn't clean things up sufficiently.

> System memory map entries: 8
> Addr=0x0000000000000000 Length=0x00000000000a0000 Type=1 AddressRangeMemory
> Addr=0x00000000000f0000 Length=0x0000000000010000 Type=2 AddressRangeReserved
> Addr=0x0000000000100000 Length=0x0000000007efd000 Type=1 AddressRangeMemory
> Addr=0x0000000007ffd000 Length=0x0000000000002000 Type=3 AddressRangeACPI
> Addr=0x0000000007fff000 Length=0x0000000000001000 Type=4 AddressRangeNVS
> Addr=0x00000000fec00000 Length=0x0000000000001000 Type=2 AddressRangeReserved
> Addr=0x00000000fee00000 Length=0x0000000000001000 Type=2 AddressRangeReserved
> Addr=0x00000000ffff0000 Length=0x0000000000010000 Type=2 AddressRangeReserved

Hmmmm... it looks like a common practice from BIOS people to put the ACPI
tables at the end. That might even help some sparse-memory impaired OSes
<grin> (it might simply be an ASUS/Award practice. I've seen sysmemmaps
only from those boards).

-- Cyrille

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