Strange thing with a mounted iso-image throught the loopdevice..

Kalle Andersson (
Wed, 11 Nov 1998 19:21:38 +0100 (CET)


I mounted a iso-image through the loop-device (losetup /dev/loop0
image.raw ; mount -t iso9660 /dev/loop0 /loop) and this was all fine.
Later on I forgot that it was mounted and I deleted the image file. I then
realize it was mounted so I did umount it. The strange part is that I
didn't get any diskspace back.. It works nicely if I umount before I
delete of course..

I wouldn't exactly call this a release-critical bug but it certainly isn't
a pleasant feature. I did this as root, but I can't see any reason why it
can't be done by a normal user. So fix it if you'd like. It's a little bit
annyoing but not critical...

BTW, after making a few images and burning them on cd in between, my
computer with 64 MB ram starts to swap a bit. Same goes if the machine
stands up for a week or so. Freshly rebooted it is much faster then after
a week. Aka, the NT syndrome =)

Otherwise my machine has been solid since around 2.1.115 or so, I'm
running 2.1.127-ac1 atm.

Med vänlig hälsning
Kalle Andersson

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