Re: New Solaris 7 features

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Wed, 11 Nov 1998 11:02:04 +1300

On Mon, Nov 09, 1998 at 11:26:19PM -0800, Larry McVoy wrote:

> : Whooo they've finally _10 years after asking_ got traceroute ;)
> Yeah, they had to shit traceroute now that we have mtr, a nicer
> replacement.

I would think with tens of paid developers and a reasonable budget,
sun could be catching up more quickly... but it doesn't seem that

> : Interesting list. Did they post lmbench figures ;)
> No, but I probabl have 'em somewhere. Unless they have screwed
> something up, the curves were all in the right direction, i.e.,
> they are getting better - but Linux still smokes 'em on the
> microbenchmarks.

Ironically, as most OSs seem to get faster as they evolve and are
tuned on the same hardware, Windahs variants are getting
progressively slower - it only increases in processing power that
make it feasible to run them.

Linux on the machine I have access to, generally has gotten quicker
and better as its evolved, Sure, it slower on small memory machines
because it also got larger, but with enough memory, 2.1.x seems
pretty quick compared to 2.0.x for many things.

OTOH, Windows98 on a Pentium ][ 266 is about as usable as Windows95
on a 486/100.

(just how things fell, not actually tested)

Me thinks maybe M$ biggest threat is M$.


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