Re: halted system still working as router.

Chris Wedgwood (
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 13:31:40 +1300

On Tue, Nov 10, 1998 at 01:12:40AM +0100, Rogier Wolff wrote:

> No. They run the "network stop" script which then dutyfully
> ifconfig-downs the interface. (Actually it does "route stop" before
> that, killing all the routes....:-)

Hmm... actually, debian might do the same.


Nope... can't see that, so rmmod won't work either. Odd, because I'm
pretty sure when I halt boxes remotely, I can't ping them anymore.

> -> User space problem. not for linux-kernel.

For common NICs, maybe - but for other types of hardware, perhaps

Consider caching disk controllers with gobs of RAM on them, data
might be dirty (pending being written to disk) when the system is
rebooted, possibly corrupting data.

Another example might be a watchdog card that doesn't used a daemon.

Sure, both of these have user-space solutions, but that doesn't
necessarily make the solution right or best.

I'm not trying to say all drivers should have this, just that
conceptually I think it makes sense that drivers that want a shutdown
routine to be called, can have this occur or shutdown or reboot (the
code required to do this is near zero). I guess I just like symmetry.


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