New Solaris 7 features

Dax Kelson (
Mon, 9 Nov 1998 09:57:07 -0700 (MST)

A little FYI....

- Can address 17.5 terabytes of memory, 9TB files
- Arithmetic computations get to use 64-bit registers and operations
- UFS logging (mount -o logging /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /mnt)
- mount "noatime" support
- TCP performance enhancement with SACK, RFC 2018
- New crash dump features
- BIND 8.1.2
- Sendmail 8.9.1b
- improved poll(2) system call (used in many applications)
- increase in number of filedescriptors
- Full Unicode 2.1 support
- Better threading subsystem
- Lots of new CDE apps/improvements
- Netscape 4.05
- directory name lookup cache optimized and now dynamically allocated on
demand (static before)
- significantly improved paging algorithim, not "on" by default
add the line: set priority_paging = 1 to /etc/system, and reboot
- Note, backported to 2.6 kernel patch "-09"
IMPORTANT NOTE: Ensure that data files do not have the executable
bit set. This can fool the VM into thinking that these are really
executables, and will not engage priority paging on these files.
- some new commands like
plimit(1): Set or get resource limits of a process by taking a
process ID (PID) as an argument (limit and ulimit only work with the
current process)
pgrep(1): Find a process by name and print the PID
pkill(1): Find a process by name and send it a signal specified on
the command line

- File Access Control Lists "facls" (man setfacl) added with Solaris 2.5.1
are damn usefull.

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