Re: FreeBSD & Linux [./fork 500 totally hangs my machine 2.1.127]

Riley Williams (
Sun, 8 Nov 1998 18:21:06 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Alan.

On Sun, 8 Nov 1998, Alan Cox wrote:

>> I did put in one sleep and tested on my macine:

>> ./fork 100 - 1 sec
>> ./fork 200 - 2 sec
>> ./fork 300 - 2 sec
>> ./fork 400 - 3 sec
>> ./fork 500 *** My machine totally hangs.

>> Please Alan, Can you explain this or is this some bug in the
>> kernel??

> Looks like a 2.1.127 bug - 2.0.36pre16 didnt fall over, 2.1.127 did

Is there a limit on the number of concurrent processes?

Best wishes from Riley.

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