More on dead NIS w/ 2.1.127-pre3..7

Steven N. Hirsch (
Fri, 6 Nov 1998 20:53:33 -0500 (EST)


Were the strace logs I sent of any help? Here's what I've done on this

- Built fresh ypbind from ypbind-mt-1.3 source. Verified that it works
under 2.1.127-pre2.

- Reboot with 2.1.127-pre7. No evil messages. Here's a console capture
of what ensues when you try to use NIS:

Script started on Fri Nov 6 17:40:43 1998

[root@cy-gw /root]# ypwhich

[root@cy-gw /root]# ypcat hosts
yp_all: clnt_call: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection reset by peer
No such map hosts.byaddr. Reason: Internal NIS error

[root@cy-gw /root]# rpcinfo -p
rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: rpcinfo: RPC: Unable to receive; \
errno = Connection reset by peer

[root@cy-gw /root]# showmount -e air
rpc mount export: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection reset by peer

[root@cy-gw /root]# exit

Script done on Fri Nov 6 17:41:49 1998

Basically, anything that uses sunrpc services appears to be hosed.


- Rebuilt portmap from sources. Same results.

- Reboot w/ 2.1.127-pre2 again. All's well.

If you still think tcpdump is the correct diagnostic, I'll figure out how
to use it and provide one.


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