What does kernel_thread() do?

Jan Rekorajski (baggins@hunter.mimuw.edu.pl)
Thu, 5 Nov 1998 05:30:56 +0100

I have a simple question:
What does kernel_thread(...,VM_CLONE) do in request_module?
I know it forks a new process for modprobe, but where I can find
source for that syscall (i386 arch)???
Or, does it hold any locks? I have a problem calling request_module
from ext2_readpage (added for ext2 compression), everything is fine
(modules load) until it's ldd what triggers request_module.
Effect is that request_module gets stuck in kernel_thread on "int 0x80".

If anybody wants to investigate further, the ext2 compression patch
is at http://debs.fuller.edu/e2compr (version 0.4).


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