timeouts with ncr53c8xx

Hans-Frieder Vogt (vogt@ila.uni-stuttgart.de)
Thu, 5 Nov 1998 12:25:25 +0100

from kernel 2.1.127-pre3 (the first I tried) on I get loads of "aborting command
due to timeout" messages short after switching to synchronous mode FAST-10.
Were the timings changed in new version 3.1a? Last tried was 2.1.127-pre7.
Problem still there.
hw is P100 single processor, NCR53C810 on noname card.
compiler was gcc 2.8.1 (also tested with egcs-1.1b).

Has anyone an idea?

Thanks in advance,


Hans-Frieder Vogt                 e-mail: vogt@ila.uni-stuttgart.de
Institut f"ur Luftfahrtantriebe   tel   : +49 (711) 685-3522
Universit"at Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 6
D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany

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