Re: pre-2.1.127-6 fails UP compile and in smbfs

Linus Torvalds (
Wed, 4 Nov 1998 09:52:46 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 4 Nov 1998 wrote:
> Ok, doing a quick
> grep -- "current->timeout" `find -name "*.c"` | less
> in /usr/src/linux/drivers gives about 137 matches, I'm not sure if they
> are all incorrect (tho I /think/ as timeout is not in the struct..)..

There's quite a few "info->timeout" in the tty layer, but yes, there are
certainly ones I've missed. I've done all the ones in the sound drivers
yesterday evening, but if you actually hit on any others, just point me to
them or send me patches.

Note that the good news is that if something got missed, it won't even
compile, so people don't have to worry too much about the interface change
(it can't just silently break unless I or Andrea made a mistake in fixing
it up).


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